The Wrong Family?

I think one of my children was possibly born to the wrong type of family.  This particular child should possibly have born to European royalty.  They're not really into being outside, doing yard work, or cleaning up after themselves.  This is a problem.  As that's what we do.

Whenever it's time to do any of the dreaded activities this child's diva like tendencies show up.  They moan, stomp, roll around, sulk, slam doors, stomp, wonder aimlessly "looking" for tasks to do/avoid.

Yesterday, after the zoo, they asked, "OOH! What are we doing tomorrow?!"  I said, "Cleaning the house."  Well- I'm sure you can imagine that was met with a negative amount of enthusiasm- understandably.  Except it needed to be done.  I hadn't vacuumed in over a week.  I was starting to feel like the house was escaping me.  It's not like I wanted it clean enough for the European royalty to come over and reclaim their long lost child, but I did need the 10 pairs of shoes scattered throughout the living room picked up.  I needed the 4 pairs of socks put in the laundry basket.  I needed the toys, baseball hats, books, other stuff put in rooms, in their proper location.  I needed the puffs of dog hair vacuumed up, the cushions on the couch straightened up, and the kitchen island cleaned off of all of the mail, the extra papers, the toys, headphones, pens, and keys.  So- I didn't necessarily need the house deep cleaned, I needed it straightened up.

Well, the long lost child of European royalty did NOT want to clean up their mess.  This is a problem, as 6 of the 10 pairs of shoes, were theirs.  Many of the other items scattered around the room belonged to this child, who would prefer their maid cleaned up after them.   There was excessive stomping.  Excessive.  Then there was excessive crying because when Long Lost Royalty was stomping so hard- they hurt their foot.  Then there was yelling because their peasant sibling asked if they were okay.  The peasant should NOT speak to royalty- particularly when royalty is working themselves into a snit worthy of a high ranking court person.  Then there was door slamming.  Except . . . the peasants were ignoring this snit, so the Long Lost Child had to grace the rest of us with their presence, while they "looked" for more personal items (or was unable to see them, because they could not look down their nose enough to see the items on the floor).  Then the Long Lost Child had to sigh, sink to the floor, moan until . . . I gave them to the count of three to get up, or Crazy Mom was coming out.  Did they want Crazy Mom coming out?!  "Nooooo."  Then a few ticks below Crazy Mom suggested Long Lost Child go see what they could get cleaned up in their room.  Suddenly Long Lost Royalty became Low Ranking Castle Staff and got the job done.  As to whether there was sighing, stomping, or whining . . . I can't say as I turned on my favorite Pandora Station and vacuumed, mopped, and went to weed the front bed.  Maybe tomorrow a member of the European royalty will come and save this kid from life as a commoner.


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