A Bizarre, Discomforting . . . Coincidence?

The last time I wrote on this topic, was almost exactly a year ago.  I assumed since I had MOVED I was safe.  I treated the topic in a non-serious way.  I made fun of my over dramatic reaction; but now I'm wondering if maybe I should have taken this more seriously, because  clearly this is real, and should be treated as such.  Y'all, I have a black cat situation.


Another one.  Or the same one?  I don't know!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's crazy!!!!

In case you forgot, or didn't know, last June, I started having unusual encounters with a black cat (Episode #1Episode #2Episode #3). 

But we moved, so the problem stopped.  Or, it should have stopped.  Except, on Thanksgiving Day we saw a black cat walking up the back line of our property.  We got a good chuckle out of it.  I felt pretty sure it wasn't the same one, but still in the back of my head, I thought, "How weird.  There are probably people who go an entire lifetime without ever having a black cat encounter, and I've had one that gives justification as to why they're so creepy."  We may have seen it once or twice since.

Last week we started having encounters with a cat- or a bunny. I wasn't sure which, because I didn't see it. I knew something was there, because when I took the dog for her final walk of the evening- the dog would get all riled up when we walked by my car.  Doug said he saw a cat.  He didn't describe the cat though.  It was just a cat.  I never saw it, whatever it was stayed under my car.

Tonight, I saw it.  My fears came true.  Off to the side, lurking in the dark were 2 glowing green eyes connected to a furry, black cat body!  WHAT IN THE HECK?!!!!  For real?! Is this for real?!  Yeah- it's for real.  That thing was legit there.  It stayed there waiting, watching, and lurking until I got home.  As I walked down the road, I thought about that damn cat sitting there in my yard.  I kept turning back around looking to see if it was following me.  It wasn't.  There was a breeze though. Then there was a weird noise.  Then a dog started barking.  All the classic scary movie sensory images were there: Dark? ✓ Alone? ✓  Breezy? ✓  Unexpected noises? ✓ Creepy feeling? ✓✓✓. The dog and I hightailed it home.  I'm a pansy- what can I say?

It may not be the same cat from the other neighborhood- but why do I have scary black cat encounters?!!!!  In two different houses- miles apart!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's crazy!  It's bizarre!  It's supernatural.  That's what it is.  It's supernatural.  I am experiencing a supernatural event.  Guess what?  The supernatural completely freaks me out.  (so do birds, and the Boogeyman, mice, black cats, roaches, heights, . . . okay, a lot.  A lot of things freak me out.)

Last year when I asked if anyone knew of a good shaman, I was joking, but now I might need one- or two.  Probably two would be safest.


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