Reflections From Alexa

I took Alexa with me on a walk.  I had originally planned for this to be a calorie burning walk, but I hadn't spent much time with her tonight, and so I brought her with me and the dog.  If listening to Alexa talk, burned calories, I could easily eat a guilt free ice cream sundae.

Here are some of her reflections, in no particular order.
1. Gracie took care of her business pretty quickly into the walk.  Alexa exclaims, "Ewwww, Gracie's poop stinks!!!"  I said, "Well, Alexa- yours does too.  So does mine."  She says, "Yeah, Dad's and Andrew's does too.  You know, everybody (big gesture to the nearby houses) in our neighborhood has poop that stinks!"

2.  "Oh no!  This rock is away from it's family!"  So she picks up the rogue rock that has gotten away from "its family" and puts it back in the drive.  A few steps further and she says, "Oh!  This rock has gotten away from its family too!"  A few steps further. . .  that rock too, has gotten away from it's family.  After the fourth time, I said, "Alexa!  I know you want to reunite all the loose rocks with their families, but we'll never get this walk finished!"

3. At one point, while she had bent over to pick up a rock, she stood up and screamed, "AHHHH!!!!! My head hit the poop!  My head hit the poop!!!"  (When she stood up her head, hit the bag of Gracie's poop).

4.  "When will I be 5 years old like my friend Leigh?"
     "Not until July."
     "That is so far away!"

5. One of the street lights came on, and the motor was loud.  "What is that noise?"  so I explained it was the motor.  "It's annoying!  I'll try to ignore it like I ignore Andrew."  (in that case, she won't be able to ignore it at all!)

6. She found 2 dandelions.  She was so excited!  She then unzipped her jacket, and put them in on her stomach- "so they'd be warm and toasty."

7. She noticed a house with some creepy Halloween directions, "YIKES!!!  That is a creepy head!"

8. "People can't slide down the road, they can only drive or walk down the road."  


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