Peaches to cooked cabbage?

The brain is so weird.  The way neurons fire is so random.  You just never know the direction your thoughts are going to go.

I was standing in the kitchen this afternoon, fixing myself a snack.  A peach in cottage cheese.  Man do I love a fresh, juicy peach in some cottage cheese.  It brought me back to right after Alexa was born.  For weeks after she was born I had the most absurd craving for fresh peaches in cottage cheese.  I thought it was the most fantastic thing EVER!

This memory made me wonder, why was it after I had a baby that I had these intense cravings?  It made me think I must have needed the protein or something.  Which made me think, why?  For reasons I will not get into, I did not breast feed my children.  This lead to a memory from after Andrew was born.

A few days after I had Andrew, I became a "bit" engorged with all the unused milk I had.  Someone said that I could relieve the discomfort, by putting frozen cabbage leaves inside my bra.  Folks, Rolaids do NOT spell relief, but frozen cabbage leaves in your bra spells relief.  A while after I had these leaves inside my shirt, I became aware of a strange odor.  Since it was literally right under my nose, I had a direct line to the odor, but so did anyone within a few feet of me, because here's the deal, I literally cooked cabbage with my engorged chest.  I had to throw the bra and shirt away, because I couldn't get the smell out of them- even after washing them.

So, what started as a simple, healthy, delicious snack, ended with a bizarre confession that I am sure not many of you can claim to have done: cooking cabbage with your chests.  I am a girl of many talents.


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