Special Needs Prom

There is no possible way for me to make you understand how much my class, myself, and the assistants LOVE this field trip.  We start looking forward to next year's prom, on the way back from today's. 

Let me explain what it is: the Key Club from one of the school district's high school's; plans and puts on a prom for seven of the high school Special Needs classes throughout the district.  It ends up being about 70- 80 Special Needs students.  They hire a dj, a local church allows us to use their fellowship hall, they decorate, and serve us lunch.  We get there about 10am and leave around 12:45.  It is quite honestly my most favorite 2 hours and 45 minutes of the year, and I am not alone. 

It's awesome from the moment they walk in the classroom that morning.  They are so cute to each other.  They rave about how good they each look, and brag about their cool tie, nice dress, or new haircuts.  I like to sit back and just listen to them on this morning. It sort of hurts your heart, to hear these kind, good hearted children being so lovely to each other, when the world is sometimes so harsh to them.  If the asses of the world, just listened to these "special" children, they would learn so much about how to care about others. 

I make them take a million pictures: group shots, individual shots, friend shots, girls, boys, boys looking tough, girls being silly, seniors, juniors, freshman, etc.  They were groaning and grumbling.  I had warned them for the last 2 weeks- it would be excruciating.  Their parents will want these pictures- and by gosh- they'll get them!  Plus, how else will I make the Monday After Prom Video?!!! (which is currently 8 minutes long.  I took over 150 pictures and videos!)

As soon as we get inside the prom, we start dancing.  We don't have any of that standing around looking awkward, wondering what to do.  The "regular" kids who put on the prom sort of stand around wondering what to do, it's the "special" kids that get right down to what we're there to do: dance.  And man, do we dance!!!  Once the "regular" kids realize what's up, they are right in there dancing with all the kids.  They do such a great job!

I've tried to put words to explain why I love this prom so much.  Here's what I've come up with: non-judgmental.  I am a terrible dancer, and I have no rhythm.  I don't care.  I am dancing with my kids and have a ball the entire time!  I am a sweaty mess by the time I leave.  When I go to the "regular" prom in May- I will not dance.  I will stand to the side and watch the kids dance.  I don't want them to wonder what in the hell that white woman thinks she's doing (and they will, they might even point and laugh).  Here's the other thing I love about the prom: joy.  If you could see the pure joy on these kids faces.  Oh my gosh, they are so happy.  They're dancing, they're with their friends, it's their favorite songs, we're Wobblin', and Gangman Stylin', and Cupid Shufflin', they're seeing friends they haven't seen in a few months.  They love it. 

There's drama- they're still teenagers, with hormones and opinions.  It's just so innocent, it's sort of sweet and funny at the same time.  One of my boys, considers himself to have a girlfriend that goes to one of the other schools (the extent of their relationship occurs at this yearly event).  Last year, he was so excited to get to see "Josephina."  The previous year they had danced and danced, so he was expecting that to occur last year as well.  However, when he got to the prom "Josephina" was dancing with . . . another boy!  My boy observed it, was disappointed, but didn't let it stop him from having fun (he's a dancing MANIAC!).  As the morning went on, Josephina realized, she was dancing with a wet rag, ditched him, and started dancing with my boy.  This year, Josephina danced with my boy and only him all day.  I have countless pictures of them together.  There's one particular picture that makes me a little emotional, because if you could see his expression, as he's looking down at her, while they're dancing (not slow dancing- we don't do that, they just stand next to each other and dance.  Sometimes they hold hands and shuffle).  Oh.  It's so sweet.

If you find yourself feeling bummed and depressed next April, call me, I'll invite you to come with us, and you'll leave with a renewed sense of the good in humanity, a few calories burned, and a good feeling in your heart that will last you . . . until you get home and your toddler goes into her emotional shenanigans.  ;-) 


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