Something's Gotta Give

As I was fixing dinner tonight, I was thinking back on all the dinners I've fixed since Friday and became a bit mortified.  I am so mortified, I'm going to blog about it- and hope my mother and mother in law don't read this post, plus a few other people.  They'll be appalled.  And rightfully so.

In the spring, we're like lots of people: busy.  School work is mounting as end of the year responsibilities pile up for teachers.  Doug has several extra curricular activities.  Andrew has extra curricular activities.  There's school programs and celebrations.  Oh yeah, yard work, cleaning the house, laundry, parenting . . . the list goes on. 

So in the spring, I have to be willing to let things slide a bit.  I am not willing to let the house slide, I can't stand for it to get messy and disorganized.  I don't let the laundry slide, I hate giant piles of laundry, plus waking up to find I have no clean underwear.  I don't let the yard slide . . . too much.  The grass is a little high, but tomorrow that will get fixed.  I don't slack on my job, or Andrew's homework, or craft projects with Alexa.  I still get to games and practices.  Do you know where I let things go? 


Yes folks.  Our meals go totally south!  And by south I don't mean they become fried, I mean, they become garbage.  Do you know what I "fixed" for dinner tonight?  A bowl of cereal and a banana.  Yep.  That was the dinner I fixed for my children and self.  Doug wasn't home, he was finishing up a school thing before we go to practice.  When he gets home at 8pm, he'll probably fix a sandwich.  Or a bowl of cereal.  Do you know what we had for dinner on Friday night, pizza.  That's ok.  A perfectly reasonable Friday night dinner.  Except we had so much leftover, we ate the leftovers for dinner on Saturday.  Then on Sunday we ran errands and played outside and I didn't feel like fixing dinner, so we ate leftover KFC.  I supplemented with some green beans.  Monday I left school late, picked up kids, and drove through Wendy's.  Tonight we ate cereal and a banana. 

The thing is, it sucks.  It's not all that healthy, but I just don't have the time to think about a grocery list, plan "easy" to fix meals- because my kids are picky and they aren't gonna eat casseroles and stuff like that.  So to do a one meal for all- we eat cereal, or pizza.  I don't have time to look through recipes and get inspired.  I don't have time to come home and fix anything.  So for a few more weeks we'll eat weirdo dinners and I'll throw in vegetables when I can.  We haven't gotten scurvy . . . yet.  And once the summer hits- we'll start back to real meals and lots of vegetables.  If it makes you feel any better- before we sit down to eat this crap we say a blessing and eat together, enjoying each other's company (except for when we're fighting about who gets to look at the cereal box), and so I'll sacrifice in one area if it means we get to sit and enjoy each other and be thankful for what we have. 


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