Pitching a Tent

So, Andrew's birthday is next week (he'll be 7 years old.  How did this happen?  When did this happen?!  He's a kid- not a little kid, not a cute kindergartner, not even an almost cute 1st grader.  He has thoughtful opinions, and can carry on a discussion.  When did I get a kid in my house?  Aacck, I will stop.  I am emotional about this birthday.), so we're having his birthday party on tomorrow night.  We're doing a "Mock Camp Out."  I say "mock" because the boys are not actually spending the night.  I'm honest enough to say- I don't know that I could deal with boys sleeping in my backyard, mostly because I have NO intention of sleeping out in a tent with a bunch of 7 year old boys (and I know that they'd either end up in my house- or I'd end up out there.) 
My parents decided that Andrew needed a tent for his birthday, since my idea to make one out of sheets was lame (it was a lame idea- but I wasn't sure I wanted to financially commit to a tent).  My mother calls to tell me that they've bought the tent and it's a good one!  She made sure it was big enough for boys to "rumpus" around in.  (Exactly why I have no intention of sleeping out there with them and why this is a "mock" camp out). 
Tonight, in preparation for the big party tomorrow, we set the tent up.  Here's some photos of me and Andrew "attempting" to put that thing together, and then . . . well, you'll see how it all turns out. 
Mmm, where to begin?  Alexa is so puzzled, she's crying (or that's just what she usually does)

Lulu doing what she does best: supervising.  Andrew hammering in the stakes (which for the record, was not in the right order.  I wish I would have followed the directions)

Andrew's taking a break to roll around on the tent.

Try . . . ing . . . but it's . . . not . . . work. . . ing

No fear, Dad's here!

Why is Mom the only one holding the tent?!

Look!!!  We're in it!!!!  (as a side note, look at my svelte husband!  Isn't he a sexy beast?!)

Rumpus-ing in the tent!  Lulu LOVED LOVED LOVED the tent.  She did not want to leave it.

Practicing going "night-night."  Don't fret, Andrew has already informed me of ALL the many blankets we'll have in the tent to make it more 'comfy.' 


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