A Champion For All

I just love LuLu.  She drives me to the point of psychosis sometimes, but other times she's so doggone funny, cute, charming, loving, and passionate!

I picked her up today and asked her teachers about her day and if she threw a fit (yes- in gym.  She got upset because one of the teachers walked towards her and she promptly threw herself on the floor and wailed and kicked at anyone within a 2 foot radius and scooched on her back all over the floor.  Mrs. Betty said, "I wasn't even going over there to say anything to her!"and then laughed about what a nut she is.  I thank God everyday those women have a sense of humor.).  Then I asked if they had noticed that she's getting better about sharing, because I have noticed at t-ball she is getting really good about sharing with one of the other little sisters (LuLu let the other little girl sit in her wagon and play with her stickers!!!!!!) and even with her brother!!!!

Mrs. Gertrude said, "Oh yes!  She's a great sharer!"  (and she wasn't being sarcastic!)  I must have looked dubious, because she said, "No really!  She's very . . . protective over Lyla (that's LuLu's favorite friend right now.  Doug said when he drops her off in the morning, Lyla dashes over to Alexa and they bounce and "talk" and she brings her the school bus toy.)  This afternoon Lyla was playing with the pig and one of the boys walked over to try and take it- or maybe just to talk to the girls, I don't know.  But apparently Alexa grabbed the toy from Lyla, swatted at the boy until he went away and then gave the toy back to Lyla.  My question to this was, "Is Lyla unable to defend herself?!" And all 4 of the teachers said, quickly, "Oh no.  Lyla has no trouble defending herself!"   Huh.  Then I am left to wonder, what has prompted LuLu to be a champion to Lyla?!

I am torn on how I feel on this: proud that my girl is taking up for Lyla and being a good friend, or a smidge embarrased that she's over protective and a bit of a bully.  Either way, this further proves, I will NEVER have to worry about her taking up for herself.


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