14 Days of No Processed Sugar

 Technically, it's not quite 14 days.  Tomorrow morning is officially 14 days.  

I'll say this, I'm surviving.  And this week it's been easier than last week.  I still want treats, but not with that same level of desperation I did last week.  Last week I needed cheerleading and being talked off the ledge and I had to pep talk myself a lot.  This week . . . I haven't had to get any cheerleading.  I've also not really needed to pep talk myself much. 

In some ways I am feeling positive and in others . . . I am feeling frustrated.  I have definitely noticed some patterns.  I'm feeling positive because yes! I'm doing this, and it's definitely getting easier in the day to day.  

I'm frustrated because the patterns I've noticed, are going to be hard to avoid when I release myself from the challenge. 
1. I want sugar when I'm stressed, but the feeling goes away fast.  So I just have to wait it out.  I can do that for the most part.  I have also found myself thinking: "Is this really that bad?" I need to save this response to an actual crisis.  

2. Time alone- equals treats. The other night, Doug took Andrew and Alexa to the barn: Alexa for horse lessons, and Andrew to work.  Then he ran some errands.  I had the house to myself for an hour.  As soon as they left the house, I was like, "YES! I can eat a treat!" but then I realized . . . I cannot.   Food is my love language.  It's how I show people I love them, and how I show myself that I love myself.  

3. When I'm bored, I like to bake (and obviously eat the treat).  This morning was an overcast, slow, boring morning.  Normally I would have baked us a breakfast treat.  I didn't.  Also, I had no idea what to do with myself and Alexa.  The threat of rain kept me from taking her for a hike.  There's nothing new and exciting in our house.  Normally- I would bake a treat with Alexa.  I  didn't.  Also- pumpkin is back. I love to make pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies.  Do you see a theme?  Frankly, pumpkin without a little bit of sugar is not so great.  

Alexa and I drove past an ice cream shop, and she said, "Man.  We haven't had that in awhile!"  TRUTH!!!  I said, "Next Sunday I'll be done with the 21 Days of No Sugar. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have ice cream that day- as that's the one thing I miss the most.  Maybe we'll go there to celebrate."

We'll have to see what this week brings.  and . . . if nothing else, I have 7 more days and then I can have some ice cream.  :-)  


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