
Showing posts from June, 2020

Get it Together Girl

My mother called yesterday, while I was outside watering and letting the puppy run about.  Alexa answered the phone and talked to her and SPILLED ALL OF OUR SECRETS!  I told her she'd be eating veggies all day today as a result.   I was in a bit of a funk . . . all week.  I typically struggle in the summer with no routine.  I am not self disciplined enough to make a routine and stick to it.  Well- that's not entirely true.  I have a routine- it's even moderately healthy (much to my mother's surprise- as you'll see in a minute).  I eat healthy oatmeal for breakfast, drink plenty of water, exercise, take the puppy for walks, eat a healthy lunch that actually has veggies.  And that's it.  That's the only routine I have.  It's hard for me to get into a rhythm and I can't figure out any type of project I'm interested in attempting.  I am bored with reading (GASP!!!), and I don't generally have the attention span to watch tv. I sort of do whatever

I'm Not Even Moral Support

At the beginning of the school year, we had an authentic lock-down due to a gun being on campus.  It was before the day started, and so kids were milling about all over campus.  When the announcement came over the loudspeaker, I dashed in the hall and started directing kids to the nearest room.  When it was all said and done and everyone was safe- and no injuries had occurred- my take away from that event was, "I do know how to react in a crisis!!!!"  Frankly- I was relieved!  Over the years, whenever I had encountered a "crisis" with a critter- my reaction has been to flee.  And not like- gather up my infant baby girl, or special needs students and make a mad dash for it- nope, I don't do that.  When a critter is involved, I'll probably push you in front of me as I am following the "SAVE YOURSELF" mantra.  To say I am not good in a crisis that involves a critter is an understatement.  A perfect example of this is when Alexa was approximately 6 w


I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE peaches.  Love.  . . . . Love. If you have to buy those hard, little gross ones from a grocery store.  I am so sorry for you.  I live in North Carolina- and I am able to buy the most delicious peaches from South Carolina.  South Carolina grown peaches are a thing of beauty.  I'm about to say the most controversial thing I have ever said on this blog- so brace yourself- and don't be sending me hate mail.  Just keep your negative peach hatin' thoughts to yourself.  Here goes: Georgia may be "The Peach State" but they do not grow the most peaches.  There.  I said it.  South Carolina and California produce more peaches that Georgia  Did you know New Jersey grows peaches?  Me either.  Thanks to this little article , I'm now more informed, and so are you, I hope.  I live for June.  Peach season starts in June and it is a glorious time of year.  I spend anywhere between $9-$11 on peaches . . . a week.  For me.  Doug eats them occasiona

Binge Baby, Binge

I almost never watch tv.  For real.  The tv is on constantly- but I rarely watch it . . . until recently.  I've been binge watching tv shows like CRAZY the last 3 weeks.  Here's what I've been watching:  Never Have I Ever :  It's a sort of comedy, written by Mindy Kaling (she apparently was in The Office - but I shockingly never watched that.) I'm not sure how I found her, but once I did- I've always liked her.  Anyway- it's about a teenage girl as she navigates grieving her father's unexpected death, the relationship with her mom, and boys and friends.  Why did I like it?  I love teenagers.  It reminded me a lot of My Big Fat Greek Wedding  or Crazy Rich Asians .  Kind of a coming to terms with your family, and their culture . . . and being able to love yourself.   This poor girl was innocent and clueless and brazen and . . . I loved it.   The Big Flower Fight This is a competition with flower . . . art.  There were 10 pairs of friends/couples/business

The Blues

I don't know about y'all, but I've been feeling a little blue the last couple of weeks.  Initially, I assumed it was due to the 11 inches of rain that fell at my house since Memorial Day.  Except, it's stopped raining and I'm still feeling a little . . . out of sorts.  Then I thought- it's probably because I am dehydrated and haven't been exercising.  But I'm guzzling water and taking the puppy on 2 walks a day.  Yesterday, I walked, drank water, AND I had time alone to listen to whatever music I wanted, and worked uninterrupted by any of my family on weeding my garden for over an hour.  Usually all of those things totally reset me.  Today I find I'm still just . . . something.  Something's not right.  My mom called, so we could be catty about Ina Garten announcing on Instagram that she's gonna take the week off from cooking and work in her garden.  Hah. I seriously doubt she's as sweaty and dirty working in her garden as I am.  By work