
Showing posts from March, 2020

Quarantine Week 2

Happy Week 2 of Quarantining!!! This week was a legit quarantine for us.  Week 1 we got out, we went shopping for food to donate to a local charity, and helped deliver food, and my kids hung out with neighbors and friends.  Then Friday night, I blogged, I drank- got a little drunk (I'm a total light weight), and put the family on legit Lock Down. I went into the week with a pretty positive attitude and it has stayed that way.  I am a person that requires routines and I set one up that has been very good for us.  We've even eaten vegetables!!!!  Every day this week.  That's practically unheard of for us.  Randomly my house has been clean all week.  How is that even happening?!  Somehow when we're all here all the time, it's clean- and when we fly in and out of the house for a brief moment- it's a mess.  There are many mysteries in the world (this week has sure proven that!). Saturday I discovered TikTok.  If you're not on TikTok- DO NOT get it.  I repea

Quarantine Week 1

Soooo it's Friday of the first 5 full days of being "quarantined."  Monday I wasn't fully quarantined because I went to school, finalized a few things and then came home and created a schedule, which exhausted me and so I had to lay on the couch and eat junk until I got myself back in order. Tuesday- Doug went to work (because we thought it was a workday), but I stayed home because I realized I needed to get  my kids into a routine and try to hammer it into Andrew's head this wasn't Spring Break, so he wasn't living his funnest, best life.  Towards the afternoon it got too much so I went for a walk and spent the evening on the couch, until I felt in order. Wednesday we had our first virtual faculty meeting.  Directly after that I hid in the closet and ate chocolate for 30 minutes.  Then I don't remember what I did after that.  But Wednesday night I had a firm talk with myself and told myself I was not going to be like this.  I can adapt and adjust

Sometimes Parenting is So Fun

I really entertained the heck out of myself this evening- at the expense of Andrew. It started earlier this week.  He asked if we were doing anything this weekend, because one of his friends was having some friends over on Saturday evening to celebrate the friend's birthday, and then another friend was having friends over on Sunday for the same reason.  I looked at Doug and said, "I think that'll be okay- Dad can go on Saturday, and I'll go on Sunday?"  Andrew's face was horrified.  "Wait- you're going?!!!!" "Yes! Of course!  We know both of these young men, and like them!  We want to celebrate too."  "Mom!" "HAH! Just kidding! Of course we're not going!! Or . . . are we?????" Tonight, I drive him over to his friend's house.  On the way I talk about how I can't wait to meet the friend's mom. I mean, Dad has met her, I should too.  He's all, "Mom, you're just messing with me." T

A Rabbit Hole Called Instagram

A few weeks ago I realized I was spending a ridiculous amount of time on my phone a day.  A fair amount of that time was spent on Instagram. I have several Instagrammers I love to follow. Realizing how much time I was spending on my phone, I tried to pare who I am following down.  I tried to stick to people that I felt like were authentic, and not trying to sell me something.  A lot of them are home decorators, but I follow a couple of beauty influencers, a comedian, food/diet bloggers, friends and local businesses.  A couple of my favorites are because I like to watch their toddlers.  One in particular is a beauty blogger, turned influencer.  I've followed her for probably 7 years now.  I discovered her on Pinterest, followed her to her blog, watched her YouTube videos, and then followed her to Instagram.  I love her because even though she's a beauty blogger, and a lot of times the make up she recommends is more expensive than I would buy, she does tutorials for make up and