Crafty Parenting
Today in my senior English class, the guidance counselors came in and we helped all of the kids fill out their Common College Application. I remember these kids when they were freshman. Back then they were goofy and silly. Today, they're a little more mature, and way more fun. Wasn't it just, like . . . last year they were freshman?! If it goes this fast for me- with students . . . what will it be like for my own kid? My own freshman that my email inbox is inundated with- just this weekend: information from CollegeBoard on taking the PSAT and SAT. I also got an email from a local college offering information on baseball Showcase Camps, and a flyer on the recruiting process for college athletes. How is this little kid that's a whole head taller than me, and stands in my kitchen and pretends to pitch in the World Series on the regular- getting email about his post secondary life?! I've been missing this kid lately. I mean- yes, he goes to ...