I Would Drive 500 Miles . . .

One of my favorite things to do, is to make up lyrics to songs- with my own lyrics.  Generally, they're massively inappropriate, so I don't do it very often, plus my family finds my renditions annoying.  They complain endlessly when I make up my own lyrics.  Well my family is wrong, my lyrics are HILARIOUS!

This week, has been one ginormous car ride with breaks in the middle.  I've been running Alexa to horse back riding camp, and errands, and Andrew to his job, and to the baseball field, and there's been several well-visits thrown in there.  I have literally put 400 miles on my car this week alone- driving within my county. 

Do you remember that Proclaimers Song from the 90's, "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)"?  Well . . . here's a Kate Remake of that song:

When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the mom who's driving a taxi cab
When I go out, yeah I know we're running late and 
I'm gonna have to hurry to get you there
I'm gonna be the mom who's speeding down the road
If I get caught, well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the wife who's husband is gripe-ing

But I will drive 500 miles and I will drive 500 more
Just to get Alexa to horse camp and Andrew to his job and to the baseball field

When I'm driving, Yes I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the mom's driving a lot for you
While I'm driving
I think about my list to do when I finally am done
When I come home Oh I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the mom who's jetting right back out
If I'm late, well I know I'm gonna be  I'm gonna be the mom
who's kids are waiting and alone

But I will drive 500 miles and I will drive 500 more
Just to get Alexa from horse camp and Andrew from his job to baseball

After those lyrics- I bet you wonder why my family doesn't appreciate me more- especially because I'm driving them all over Union County!!!!!!!!


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