That Weird Noise is Probably Not Doug Playing Mind Games With Me
Saturday night I was watching tv in bed, and suddenly I became aware of this weird noise. It was like, "tap. taptaptaptap. tap tap. tap. tap. taptaptaptaptaptap. tap tap. tap." I kept hearing it. I told Doug. Doug rolled his eyes. "Yeah. I heard it the other night, but I didn't tell you because I knew you'd be a freak about it." Frankly- I was unsure what annoyed me most about that comment: the fact he assumed I'd be a freak (there have been some moments in the past that I may have blown unexplained events out of proportion, but this is totally different!!!), or is it the fact that he's KNOWN ABOUT THE UNEXPLAINED NOISE AND DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!!! As we watched Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 I could not stop being aware of that tapping. Doug rolled his eyes. "It's nothing." "Yes. But WHAT IS IT if it's nothing?!" He shrugged. If he's shrug...