Cleaning and Purging

Every summer, I have an annual big purge. I start with the kid's rooms, and we clean out clothes that no longer fit.  Then we do toys/books/memorabilia.  Last summer Andrew was struggling with it.  Everything I asked about: what about this book? He'd respond: "It's sentimental. It stays."  Thankfully I watched those shows with people who wanted to clean out their houses, and then had a garage sale, and then had those freshly cleaned out rooms redecorated. . . what was that show called?!  Anyway- I am like a professional cleaner-outer- so I could totally handle Andrew and all of his sentimental items.  (It was actually quite hilarious, he was getting so frustrated with me, and finally he yells, "MOM!  The only thing not sentimental in this room, is YOU!"  True that, buddy.  But we came to agreements and the other day when I started on Alexa's room, he said, "It sucks when you're doing it, but it really does feel better when you're done."  Duh.  I'm brilliant.) 

Anyway- getting the kids rooms is so inspiring that I move on to other areas of the house.  All areas- except Doug's designated areas.  His stuff is all sentimental.  The bag from Verizon for the phone he got 8 months ago?  That stays.  The pile of screws he pulled out of his jeans pocket, back over Spring Break?  They stay too.  The receipt from the Wal Mart trip 2 months ago- and the food's all long eaten? That stays.  (He's probably annoyed I'm calling him out like that, but maybe he should give me a call, while he's at camp, instead of texting me laughing faces, or asking for all the passcodes to Andrew's phone because it was misplaced.  Just saying.)

Today was a purge day. I purged my closet.  It feels so good. I was savage too.  I threw out dresses I haven't worn since before Alexa was born- that I've been keeping because they're classic and one day, one day, I might, just might fit back into them.  Nope.  They went.  I just cleaned out the pantry.  Y'all- I had 3 bags of pretzels opened.  WHY?!  I also have 3 boxes of graham crackers.  ???????  I literally have 5 pounds of rice . . . . we don't hardly ever eat rice.  Which is why I have 5 pounds . . . I threw out 3 bags of self rising flour.  All of them were expired since 2017.  There was a bag of Craisins that were hard as a rock. 

I feel so . . . well torn.  #1- why the heck do I have some of this gross food?!!!!  and #2 cleansed.  Such a feeling of productivity for today.  Go me!


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