Strong Willed

Definition (according to Google): determined to do as one wants even if other people advise against it.

According to words associated with strong willed women are: bossy, headstrong, confident, stubborn, assertive, independent, demanding, hot-headed.  It also said: "She doesn't have time to sugarcoat things and she doesn't want to, because that's when meaning gets lost or confused along the way."

I'm trying to decide if Alexa got her strong-will from me.  Some of those words don't describe me.  I don't think I am determined to do things even if others advise against it (unless that person is Doug.  If he advises against it, I hear- "Oh, you're challenging me?!  Well, I'll show you."  Mmm- that's not a good example to prove I am not strong willed.  Forget that example.  You never read it.

1. Bossy?  I'm not bossy. I give good advice.  Next.
2. Headstrong?  According to that can mean that I am determined to do something my way because my way is the best way.  Well, usually my way IS the best way.  I am organized and efficient.  I save time.  So- I'm not headstrong. I'm right.  Next.
3. Confident?  Sure, I just told y'all that I'm usually right.  That's not arrogance- that's confidence.
4. Stubborn?  mmmm, am I stubborn? . . . ? . . . ? . . .?  Nope.  No examples. I'm not.
5. Assertive?  I don't like assertive people.  It's why I hate good sales people.  Since I just told you I like myself, I'm obviously not assertive.  Next.
6. Independent?  Okay- yes.  I admit, out of everything on this list, I am independent. I totally march to the beat of my own drummer.
7. Demanding?  It's not demanding if I want you to live up to your potential. I want the best for you! I'm .. . nurturing.  Yes.  See?  Nurturing.
8. Hot-headed?  Not even going to bother.  Anyone who knows me, knows that's not true.  Moving on . . . quickly.
9. "Don't have time to sugarcoat things . . . " I have been told I'm a bit blunt.  I think they were exaggerating though.

Well y'all, I believe this little vocabulary lesson proves that Alexa clearly didn't get her strong will from me.  Must be Doug.


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