On or Off? On or Off?

I stumbled on something brilliant. I'd love to take credit for it.  But I can't.

My kids have spent the last few weeks arguing over who gets to set the dinner table.  HAHAHAHA.  It's true.  They legit argue over it.  I had to institute the "Alexa Sets One Day and Andrew the Next Rule."  Doesn't this story make me sound like I am a master parent?  Like I have reached expert levels?

Don't let the story fool you.  (There were a series of mishaps today- one of which includes me completely forgetting Alexa had a dentist appointment- also my car keys have been lost . . . again) anyway- I'm not a genius, but I am good at taking advantage of a situation when it presents itself.

Here's the magic trick: Alexa likes to set the mood, as well as the table.  She likes the lighting to be dim.  Andrew HATES the lights dim.  To stop the fight over the lights- I said, whoever sets the table- determines the mood lighting.  Now they fight over who sets the table, which is WAY more amusing to me than fighting over whether the lights are on or off.

And that's why tonight- Andrew and Alexa argued about who got to set the table.  Fine by me, the job got done well, and I ate a dinner with a romantic undertone . . . while we talked about a bathroom situation.  (hey- the table was set.  We'll worry about manners when I can figure out to get them to fight over that)


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