A Bizarre, Discomforting . . . Coincidence?
The last time I wrote on this topic, was almost exactly a year ago. I assumed since I had MOVED I was safe. I treated the topic in a non-serious way. I made fun of my over dramatic reaction; but now I'm wondering if maybe I should have taken this more seriously, because clearly this is real, and should be treated as such. Y'all, I have a black cat situation. Yes. Another one. Or the same one? I don't know!!!!!!!!!!!! It's crazy!!!! In case you forgot, or didn't know, last June, I started having unusual encounters with a black cat ( Episode #1 , Episode #2 , Episode #3 ). But we moved, so the problem stopped. Or, it should have stopped. Except, on Thanksgiving Day we saw a black cat walking up the back line of our property. We got a good chuckle out of it. I felt pretty sure it wasn't the same one, but still in the back of my head, I thought, "How weird. There are probably people who g...