Back To School Shopping

Lately I feel like my kids are constantly "wanting" something.  If we go to a store, I must hear a bazillion times . . . "Can I have . . . "  or "Oooh, I want . . ."  I'm sick of it!  I constantly respond "NO!" Or "Sure, use your own money."  And while they never use their money to buy the junk they think they want . . . they never stop asking either.

I came up with an idea, which I hope will help them realize how we have to make choices with how we spend our money.  Prioritize what we spend money on.  Instead of taking them shopping and me paying, I decided to give them a set amount of money and a list of things they had to buy with it.  

I am pretty sure the lesson went completely over Alexa's head.  She LOVES shopping and has already spent all of her money.  She bought things that were pretty to her.  She bought her sneakers, a few clothes, and this ridiculous, impractical pair of wedges.  She saw them in a catalog.  I have heard about them for weeks.  She bought them today.  Her life is complete.  As she's strutting around the store in them, Andrew turns to me appalled, "You're going to let her buy those?!!!"  "Yes.  Because she used her birthday money.  That's what birthday money is for."

Andrew . . . it'll take us WEEKS to get everything on his list.  WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He bought a pair of shoes today and convinced me to buy him socks.  He still needs another pair of shoes, shorts, and shirts.  He tried on like 5 million shorts and none of them were quite right.  They have to be the right color khaki.  The right price.  They have to feel right.  OMG- as I'm writing this I realize . . . I'm shopping with myself.  Gosh almighty, I am annoying to shop with!    After 3 stores he's tired.  His legs hurt.  He just wants to go home and lay on the couch.  He ran 4.5 miles this morning.  He's starting to lose his vision.  Where are the chairs?  Why can't we be done?  Why won't Dad take Alexa shopping?  He likes shopping, Alexa likes shopping.  They can like it together.  (Andrew can get by a fast ball and survive without a peep. Take him shopping and he whines like a small child.)  Anyway- he has agonized over this budget trying to figure out how to get everything he needs.  It's so stressful.
The next time I take him, I'll bring snacks and reward him so we hopefully get him some shorts, because otherwise that kid's gonna be in trouble when it comes time to go to school!


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