Food Restrictions SUCK!

Poor old Andrew.  He has eczema.  Has had it since he was 3 years old.  He suddenly turned up with this crazy, itchy rash all over his forearms.  I used to cut the foot off of children's socks, and put the other part on his arms- and secure them there with electrical tape (it's super cheap!)  Every night before he'd go to bed, I SLATHER his arms with A&D to heal up the red, scabby spots, cover it with the socks and secure them with the electrical tape.  Weeks of that not working, I took him to the pediatrician, who had no thoughts, but recommended us to a dermatologist.  The first dermatologist, briefly looked at him and told me he had bed bugs.  I was furious.  Really?  Don't you think the rest of us would have them??  What kind of house does she think I run???  The next dermatologist said eczema. We did allergy testing to make sure it wasn't some type of allergy.  I don't remember doing food allergies.  I just remember doing environmental, but frankly I am lucky I remember to put pants on most days so can't say that's the most accurate memory.

Well, wouldn't you know this past May Andrew had a big time flare up, so we got a new prescription, but nothing really worked. Finally, at the end of September I started doing some internet research for some home solutions that maybe we hadn't tried yet.  I stumbled on an official eczema site that suggested it could be due to a gluten allergy.

I decided to throw that suggestion to Andrew and see what he thought.  While he never complained about it- I imagine he was beginning to be self conscious about it.  His arms and legs were in TERRIBLE shape.  He agreed to try it.  About 3 weeks after being mostly gluten free, his arms looked GREAT!  So, I said- "Hey- let's just see if it's not a fluke, have some bread.  Pig out on gluten-y foods!!!"  Good grief, he had the worst break out, I had ever seen him have.  What a pisser, you know?  First- no foods with gluten, and Second- now his arms were broken out up to his arms pits and most likely very uncomfortable.

So, we started a new era in our lives.  It's not so bad.  It's not so great either.  First of all, today Andrew went to the mall with some friends (and a parent!), and we had to work out what he would eat beforehand (what a hassle for the parent!  But she's an awesome friend like that), since Andrew wasn't around . . . Doug, Alexa, and I snuck off to our favorite pizza place that we haven't been to in months!  It felt a little bit like being a teenager and sneaking off somewhere I wasn't supposed to be going.  Another tough part, Andrew's been having to get out of his comfort zone and try . . . new . . . foods!!!!  No!  Taking foods with gluten out of his diet, has extremely limited his food choices. He's a picky eater under the best of circumstances.  Now, I've found some replacement foods that he's willing to eat, but . . . there's no replacement for a Bojangles breakfast biscuit or a donut.  That kid loves some bread, pasta, baked goods . . . you name it.  While I am experimenting with other options for him, they aren't quite the same.

The latest, unexpected situation to come up is Andrew is sneaking gluten-y foods (why I didn't foresee this, I don't know).  His skin isn't terrible, but it isn't all that great either.  I was starting to think, I might have to take dairy out next.  Then a bill from the cafeteria arrived home in his book bag for $11!!!!!!!  WTH?!!!!  I send his lunch every stinking day. What in the world??????  Then the next day, Doug went to the 5th grade holiday party, where he discovered Andrew eating a plate full of illicit foods.  Well that explains the skin.  While he's been at the mall, he's been sending me pictures of the things he wants for Christmas . . . shoes, a remote control car, and . . . bread! Gahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!  Bless him.  That's got to suck.  I am feeling weak for him.  I have to be tough though.  What's the worst that could happen?  His arms break out, get infected, and he gets some bacterial infection.  That's not overly dramatic, either.  He scratches until he bleeds- constantly.  I'll just have to make his favorites- in a way that works for him.  Still though . . . I feel his pain.  I can't imagine not being able to eat something I love.  I should probably try it though, while my skin doesn't break out, my gut is.  It's pretty uncomfortable for me.  :-)


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