
Every now and then I have a straight up BRILLIANT parenting moment.  It came to me suddenly today.  It is frankly a pretty creative consequence that I am pretty sure is going to result in stopping a behavior, I'm about done with.

Andrew has been pushing the envelope lately, on what Doug and I will tolerate with language. Nothing serious.  In fact- pretty harmless.  However, I know Andrew, and if I give him an inch . . . he'll take a mile.  Is he going to cuss and talk trashy with his pals?  Uhhh, probably.  I'm not stupid. He needs to learn there are appropriate places to use "naughty" words, and places not to.  And. . . inappropriate language ain't gonna happen with his parents, his grandparents, or . . . pretty much with any adult.

He's been warned a LOT lately.  Those warnings, gentle reminders, rational explanations for why I don't want him using those words (aka: a younger, impressionable sister), sarcastic remarks are falling on selectively deaf ears.  Until today.  Today I got him.

Today I told him I was going to start a jar, that he would have to deposit money in, every time he said something inappropriate.  (Wheww, Kate, that's what you've got?!  Keep reading friends, it gets WAY better.)  Then he would have to use that money, to take Alexa to the toy aisle and help HER buy a toy.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Oh, some of you are thinking, "Kate- he should give that money to charity."  No friends, charity is nice and all, but the real punishment is having to be on the Barbie aisle and watching his sister get something and him not.  Is it tough?  I don't know- I haven't had to do it yet.  We had an afternoon without any language that pushed the envelope.

I'd say that's a win.


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