
We have had a serious problem with being slugs this week.  It started on Wednesday.  I let Andrew and Alexa watch . . . a lot of Netflix.  I felt horrible about it.  I was horrified with myself.  I tried to reason with myself that honestly up until Wednesday neither of them had really watched tv this summer. Andrew had played on the XBox,but neither of them had really watched tv, maybe an hour or two of screen time a week.  So if we had a veg out day on Wednesday, it was okay, still I felt terrible.  I was clearly establishing a pattern of laziness in my children.  I was a terrible example. I sucked as a parent.

We had been so busy with camp, baseball, activities, friends, and "stuff" we hadn't had a lay around day.  I assured myself Wednesday night that we would be more productive on Thursday!
Well, Alexa went to school (she goes 2 days a week- sometimes).  I came home and went for a long walk and then made Andrew come outside to mow the back and side yard, except that when we opened the building, we realized that the lawn mower was surrounded by tons of equipment and it would be just too much work to move it all and so I said, "Ahh, the hell with it.  I didn't really want to mow anyway."  I closed the building back up and went to my garden.  I weeded it instead.  Andrew slipped back in the house.  I found him about 40 minutes later, in front of Netflix again.  (When he declared he was going to watch every single episode of Phineas and Ferb, I should have believed him.) Well, I was so tired from a 3 mile walk and all that weeding, that I sat on the couch and read.  I don't know what Andrew's excuse was.  I finally roused myself off the couch . . . 4 hours later! to go get Alexa and hang out at the pool.

Doug was highly critical of this.  Andrew and I knew he would be.  We joked that today would be a rude awakening for us, as Doug would be home and he would make us work.  Except, he didn't.  He laid around all afternoon too.  I read another book.  They watched more Phineas and Ferb (surely at this point, Andrew has watched all the episodes, right?)

What is wrong with us?!!  This is not like us!  I don't really feel that bad now.  I felt terrible Wednesday.  But now I am thinking, maybe we needed this mental vacation.  And, okay, Andrew's brain may be turning to mush, and his leg muscles are becoming weak and jiggly, but it's okay.  It's 3 days.  Next week we won't have time for this laying around.  We have birthday celebrations and friends and fun stuff.  The next 2 weeks won't be like that either, and then . . . baseball season starts and Doug and I return to school and the craziness starts all over again.

So, I am giving myself a guilt free break from letting my family be slugs, as long as we don't leave mucus on the couch . . .


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