The Day I Almost Locked the Boys Out Forever

Every now and then I have a blood sugar drop.  It almost never happens, but when it does I become a raging, irrational lunatic.

It's the most unusual feeling.  I feel so out of control, and ready to lash out verbally & physically at anybody.  I am waiting for a fight.  Seriously- I would be willing to brawl with anyone- I don't care how much bigger or more experienced at fighting they might be.  I could take them.  Try me.

It happened tonight.  I left school, picked up my groceries, got Alexa, came home, walked the dog, put up the groceries, and then straightened up, while Alexa and I hung out.  Well, 5:30pm comes and goes.  I'm hungry, but Doug & Andrew are coming home with pizza, so I am going to wait.  I realize- when the dog starts really nagging me- what?!  It's 6:03!!!  Where the heck is Doug?!  I'm hungry! So I feed the dog.  I get the plate outs, the drinks ready, and try to call- no answer.  Now it's 6:15.  What the heck?  I call again.  Still no answer. I sit down and watch the weather- I call again.  He answers. Unfortunately . . . it's too late.  The flip switched.  I am completely irrational.

Doug (oblivious to the psycho on the other end of the line): I'm getting the pizza.. . .
Me: IT'S 6:25!!!  I'M STARVING!!!!!!
Doug (is starting to clue in to my precarious mood): ahhhh, well . . . Andrew says it's 6:21pm.
Me: I may have responded to that in tongue.  I don't even remember the words I said, but whatever I said, Doug realized it wasn't good.
Doug: Well I'm . . . click.

Yes folks- I hung up on him.  That's how irrational and furious I was.  I couldn't handle the story of why my damn pizza wasn't in my house.  I couldn't handle their stupid good moods while I sat here- STARVING!  I mean- I was quite literally wasting away.  At this point, I am waffling between extreme drama (I couldn't decide if I was going to pull a Scarlett O'Hara and literally throw myself to the ground and sob.  Just sob.) or if I was going to storm out of the house, tear down the street and go get my own damn dinner- since Doug wouldn't provide for me.  Or if I was going to run to Lowe's, buy new locks, install them, and LOCK them out.  They were NEVER coming in my house again! How dare they not bring my dinner to me!

Well, I got some juice and cheese and threw myself to the couch and pouted as well as any teenager is able.  Finally, and I mean finally: it was a good 15 forever minutes later, they came home.

Once I scarfed down 2 pieces, I became a lot more reasonable, and decided I would keep the boys for a little longer.  Unless I have to wait for my pizza again, and then all bets are off.


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