I Love My Husband

Let me tell you the story about this mug.  First, Doug hates this mug.  HATES it.  I feel certain he feels the same way about this mug, that the mom in "A Christmas Story" felt about that leg lamp.  I also feel sure, this mug is probably going meet its demise, accidentally, of course.  Which will bum me out.  I love it.

My husband (that I love), and I went out- sans kids- to do some Christmas shopping.  We stopped by a Christian book store and received a coupon; if you spent a certain amount of money, we could receive a free mug.  Wouldn't you know- we did.  So I picked out a mug.  This mug.  This mug, that when I went to make the purchases, Doug refused to stand at the register with me, because he was embarrassed that I was buying such a lame mug.  I tried to find another mug, because it is a little silly, but honestly this one was my favorite.  I love the size of it.  It's big and chunky.  I love the handle and its position on the mug. I also really like the curvature of the handle.  And the added bonus that Doug hated the mug, and was doing everything he could- to talk me into any other mug. In all honesty, I sort of looked for another one, there were lots of choices, but . . . this was the one I wanted.

While I was checking out, the cashier struck up a conversation with me.  Thankfully he prefaced his comments with this, "I don't want to sound too philosophical, but . . .  God shines through in many different ways."  Ok- sure I am laughing.  I'm not one to typically think the aggravating things I do to Doug- are my language of love from God, but . . . in this case, maybe it's true.  I do love my husband and love to aggravate him.  It's a win for all of us.


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