A Mystery For Sure
Kids. They're a total mystery. You think you have a handle on them, everything is going just like it should, when out of a nowhere . . . BAM! Crisis!!!!! I assumed Alexa would be the difficult one. The hard one. The one that required more parenting. And she's certainly had her moments, but frankly when it comes to discipline. . . she's not all that hard. I just have to tell her I'm disappointed and make a sad face at her and . . . "BLAHHHHHH" it's tears, and throwing herself down on the nearest object (or floor) and then we kiss and hug and it's over- (I am fully prepared for this to change). Not Andrew. His has to build and build and build and then suddenly it all has to come to a ginormous head, and I have to be Psycho Mom, with my guns blazing, handing out over- the- top, harsh punishments. Here's the situation. For the past year we've been dealing with Andrew not applying himself like he should and could in school...