Fourteen Differences

The other day I read a post by my favorite blogger, The Pioneer Woman.  I just love her.  First, her style of writing is hilarious.  Second, she lives out in Oklahoma on a cattle ranch, and her husband often describes the work they do.  It fascinates me.

So the other day she wrote a post about the differences between she and her husband.  I love when she writes about her husband.  She reminds me of . . . myself.  She feels psychotically competitive with her husband- like I do with Doug.  He always beats me, but I have these lofty dreams of one day defeating him. She appreciates some of the same physical characteristics about her husband, that I do of mine.  And she has a good sense of humor about him.

Her post got me to thinking about the difference between Doug and I.  I got inspired.  So here's what I've got:
1. Doug is a worker.
    I am not.     (for example, say- one kid is at camp, and the other is down for a nap.  I would probably lay    down to take a nap myself.  Doug would work in the garden until he was a dirty, sweaty mess.  I take days    off.  He does not.)

2. Doug cares where we eat.
    As long as it's not: McCallister's, Burger King, or McDonalds, I don't really care.

3. Doug is touchy.
   I am not.  He wants me to sit next to him on the couch.  He likes to hug.  I like the 3 feet society says I can    have, but quite honestly, I'd take 10 feet.

4. I am an organized, neat freak.
    Doug is not.

5.  Doug flips the channels and watches 4-5 shows at a time.
     I do not flip channels.  I leave the channel on commercials. The most I'll do, is mute the tv.

6.  We're a good team.  I think up the idea, he figures out how to make the idea come to fruition.

7.  He's competitive.
    I'm only competitive with him.  Otherwise I just want to have fun.

8.  Doug reads every word.
    I skim.  I get the story in half the time, with half the effort.

9.  Doug cares more about politics than me.

10. He likes action movies and John Wayne movies.
     I like romantic comedies, some action, and definitely NO John Wayne movies.  He may be an American        hero, but no thanks.

11.  He's a better driver than me (most of the time).  He can back up with a trailer attached to his truck. I          can't hardly back out of the driveway I've lived on for 13 years without anything attached to the back of        my car.

12.  He's a meat and potatoes kind of guy.
       I'm a little more experimental with my food.

13.  He's good at math.
      I'm not.

14.  Doug takes years to make big decisions.
      I don't need to think about it- I go with my gut.  It's only led me to have tighter pants, no regrets.

I feel weird ending on 13, but all the rest of the differences are embarrassing at my expense, and so we'll just end here.  ;-)


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