
Showing posts from April, 2013

The Cup

One day last week Andrew informed me he needed to start wearing a cup when he was at practice or games.  I feel like this topic, is one for his father.  I am no expert on what constitutes wearing a cup or what situation demands a boy to wear one.  I know it is recommended, but let's face it, this generation has no fun for all the safety precautions we're always taking for them.  I suggested Andrew talk to his Dad about it.  I don't know if he did or not, but I am guessing he did not.  For whatever reason, we happened to have a spare cup just laying around (actually it was in Doug's coach's bag.  I had to buy it last spring, in case the tournament Andrew was playing in, insisted on him wearing one).  Andrew discovered it on Sunday and has been driving me crazy with it since. He spent the better part of the afternoon saying, "Hey Mom, throw this ball at me, so I can see if this cup works!"  WHAT?!!!  Who does that?!  Ok.  I know who does that.  Boys.  No

Something's Gotta Give

As I was fixing dinner tonight, I was thinking back on all the dinners I've fixed since Friday and became a bit mortified.  I am so mortified, I'm going to blog about it- and hope my mother and mother in law don't read this post, plus a few other people.  They'll be appalled.  And rightfully so. In the spring, we're like lots of people: busy.  School work is mounting as end of the year responsibilities pile up for teachers.  Doug has several extra curricular activities.  Andrew has extra curricular activities.  There's school programs and celebrations.  Oh yeah, yard work, cleaning the house, laundry, parenting . . . the list goes on.  So in the spring, I have to be willing to let things slide a bit.  I am not willing to let the house slide, I can't stand for it to get messy and disorganized.  I don't let the laundry slide, I hate giant piles of laundry, plus waking up to find I have no clean underwear.  I don't let the yard slide . . . too much.

Special Needs Prom

There is no possible way for me to make you understand how much my class, myself, and the assistants LOVE this field trip.  We start looking forward to next year's prom, on the way back from today's.  Let me explain what it is: the Key Club from one of the school district's high school's; plans and puts on a prom for seven of the high school Special Needs classes throughout the district.  It ends up being about 70- 80 Special Needs students.  They hire a dj, a local church allows us to use their fellowship hall, they decorate, and serve us lunch.  We get there about 10am and leave around 12:45.  It is quite honestly my most favorite 2 hours and 45 minutes of the year, and I am not alone.  It's awesome from the moment they walk in the classroom that morning.  They are so cute to each other.  They rave about how good they each look, and brag about their cool tie, nice dress, or new haircuts.  I like to sit back and just listen to them on this morning. It sort of h

Truck Riding, Country Girl

Every now and then I feel like I get a glimpse into my children as young adults.  Tonight for example. We were leaving baseball practice and from the backseat, the A's demanded to hear, "Wagon Wheel," (a country song) so Doug got it playing, turned up the volume and Alexa grinned from ear to ear and belted it out.  She knows all the words to the chorus and sings it with a south-ern accent!  We were still in line to get out of the park, when she demanded the next song on her personal play list of favorite songs: "Windows Down!" (another country song), so . . . Doug cues it up.  We've got the windows down and we're jamming.  When Doug pulls out of the park, he guns it a little so as not to get rear ended by the person he cut off.  Alexa is THRILLED!  The wind is blowing her curls, her favorite country song is blaring, and Daddy's truck is speeding. OMG.  She's gonna be a truck riding, country girl.  Lord help me and pray for her Daddy because s

Urban Legend? Or Lack of Sensitivity?

Last Saturday morning I woke up and my left ear was clogged. I could barely hear out of it.  It was so annoying.  I could hear myself chewing and talking- loudly.  What was anyone else saying?  Hell if I know.  The weird thing is, I didn't feel congested and I had no pain, but I used up all of my mother -in- laws Sudafed, and put a good dent in her Ibuprofen supply, in an attempt to unclog my ear.  It didn't get any better.  My ear was clogged and the world remained muffled.  I figured I would eventually do something about it, but since it doesn't hurt, I don't feel a real rush.  Plus, this awful thought creeped into my thoughts.  Do you remember way back in the day, hearing about that girl that had what looked like a big zit on her face, and one night while she was taking a bath, she broke the gigantic zit open and all these baby spiders came pouring out of it?  Oh gahhhh, just typing that has my skin crawling.  I mean, ewwwwwww!!!!!  I'm sure it's just an