
Christmas is one of the most stressful times of year.  I mean, you've got a ton to do, while still having to do all the usual stuff.  For me the most stressful part of the season is coming up with the perfect gift for each and every person.  I rarely do it.  This year I came up with the perfect gift, for one of Alexa's teachers.  Not that she's not a deserving girl, but really Kate?!  You couldn't have come up with the perfect gift for your husband, children, or family?!  It had to be a teacher that in a few years you won't hardly see?

Doug came up with the perfect gift for me.  I will confess now, I knew something was up.  Bless my son and his big mouth, he told me weeks ago, that Daddy traced their hands before they went to school one morning.  I bit my lip.  Pretended I hadn't heard.  Ooooh, I wanted to ask what it was for.  What they were planning, but I didn't.  I know the element of surprise is just as much fun for Doug, as it is for me.  So I wondered, what could they be up to. There are so many things you can do with hand prints, I wasn't really coming up with anything. 

The thing that makes this gift perfect, is everything.  First, he planned it- awhile ago.  Second- he got the idea from something I said in passing.  Girls, you know when it comes down to it, the gift that means the most, is the gift that is thoughtful.  It doesn't have to be expensive luxury items, sometimes it is, but for me, usually it's not. 

See awhile ago, I had seen this idea on Pinterest (go figure) where someone put an old mail box by their garden, to keep their hand tools and gloves in.  It was a really cute way to keep them close, and out of the elements, but not in something boring and uncreative like a gross plastic tote. 

I had shown the picture to Doug, and the pretty much forgot about it.  I figured at the time I would worry about it in the spring.  But then this morning, I am unwrapping my gifts and this is what I unwrapped. 

Isn't this the most perfect mail box to keep my hand tools for the garden?!  He had a student from his school paint it with my favorite flowers that grow in my garden: gladiolas and zinnias.  I cannot wait for this to go in my garden! It'll be absolutely awesome.  I guess Doug does love me.  ;-)  How could he not though?


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