Ninjas and Iguanas

This past week, my sister in law stayed at our house while she was in Charlotte attending a class about investments.  So on Saturday, I just put an exhausted Alexa down for a nap, and Andrew, Doug, and I sat at the kitchen table enjoying lunch.  Suddenly Andrew says, "What is Aunt Janet's class about?"  We responded, "Saving money." 
Andrew says: Like car insurance?
Me: (clearly too many Geico commercials are played on tv).  No.  Like saving up money to buy big stuff, like we're saving money for you to go to college.
Andrew: Oh, I'm not going.
Doug: What are you going to do instead?!
Andrew: Nothing.  I'm staying here.
Not sure which one of us started this response, but . . . : Nope.  Definitely aren't staying here! Once you're 18, you either go to college or move out. 
Andrew: Why can't I stay here?
(I'm thinking, his sister will be 13 and none of us will probably want to be here, but anyway.)
One of us said: You'll be 18, out you go!
Somehow the conversation moved to how Doug and I were also saving to retire.  Andrew asked what that meant.  I said, "It means that we'll have money to have fun with our grandchildren- like Grammy, Poppy, Nana, and Poppy have with y'all." 
Immediately visions of small, chubby delightful babies popped into my head.  (Not that I want my children to hurry up and grow up, but I can't wait to be a grandparent.  The notion of being completely indulgent is thrilling)
Andrew says, "I'm not having children, I want an iguana." 

Huh.  That's a disappointment. 

Tonight we went for a walk to look at some spooky decorations one of the neighbors had put up.  He had to bring his sword with him, and danced around most of the way, fighting imaginary bad guys.  Suddenly he says, "When I grow up I want to be a ninja."  I hate to be a buzzkill and all, but how many people make money being ninjas?  (not that I have to worry about him needing money, since I won't be getting grandchildren, just an iguana.).  So I said, "uhhh, I don't think there's a big need for ninjas." 
He says with certainty, "Of course there is- they help people!" 
I respond,"Well yeah, I'm sure they do, but they don't actually make money." 
He says he doesn't care.  Ok then.  (I'm pretty sure I'm safe, because about 2.5 hours ago he told me he was going to be a butterly scientist when he grows up)

As long as he's happy, I don't really care what he is. 


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