Little Sisters Are Such Pests!!!!

Poor Andrew.  He has a hard lot in life with Alexa.  She's a little sister, need I say more?

We were participating in our Christmas Eve tradition, which is to watch a movie (usually a Christmas one, however tonight it's Kung Fu Panda 2), and eat appetizers (veggies & dip, cheese & crackers, mini pizzas, and cookies).  Unfortunately the dvd player in the living room is not working.  So we had to conduct this Christmas tradition in our bedroom.  I spread a big sheet out, and we went to town. 

I'll let the following pictures speak for the troubles Andrew had to face. 

Andrew, let me give you a pillow

Maybe I'l head-butt you instead

Don't I look sweet, while I "hug" my brother?

No maybe I'll put my bum in his face

Hey, Andrew, what's this on your face?  Right HERE!


  1. It doesn't look like it will be long before Alexa is bigger than Andrew.


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