The End of the Fall 2011 Season

I should tell you that I love Andrew playing t-ball.  Really any sport.  This morning on the way to the game, I was thinking how the weather was simply perfect for sitting on the t-ball field watching some cutie 4-6 year olds play ball.  It was cool, crisp, and the sky was the perfect shade of blue.  The only thing missing  . . . was the coach!  (Doug is returning from the FFA Convention in Indianapolis- that's in the next post).  Poor Doug he was so bummed to miss the last 3 games.  He even considered paying for the ipad to have it's Verizon connection- just to have the Skype set up and see the game in action.  (If you know Doug- you know he's pretty doggone cheap and that's a pretty desperate act for him.)

As far as how Andrew did this season?  I think his spring 2011 season is the season where I saw the most growth in him as a player.  He figured out the game that season.  Don't get me wrong- this season was a good one for him, but Doug and I definitely had different theories on where he'd play best.  I love Andrew- but it's only been the last 3 weeks of this season that he figured out how to catch the ball if it was thrown to him.  He's a good fielder.  He can stop the ball and he knows where the play is, so he doesn't have that hesitation of uncertainty to slow him down (just throwing accuracy.)  So I felt like he needed to stay at short stop, Doug wanted him at first base.  Finally, Doug tried him at pitcher and that was a good fit for him.  He was aggressive at getting balls hit to him and making plays at home.  All in all, I was proud of him.  But I was most proud of him when the dugout mom stopped me to tell me that she really appreciated all of his help in the dugout.  She said he was a good helper to the younger kids, a good listener, and a good teammate.  That makes me the most proud.  

Our final game ended in a non-win for us, but it doesn't matter to the boys.  They had fun, and they played hard.  Sometimes I have to remind myself, when Doug is worrying about where we stand in the rankings and all that- that the boys don't care.  They don't even know there is such a thing, so I just need to chill out and sit out there and enjoy watching the games and try to get some awesome pictures of Andrew and Doug (it's really too bad Doug hasn't been here, my camera lens has missed him. ;-)

Catch it!  Catch it!

Run! Run! Run!

Not watching the game, but having a good time playin on her wagon!

Ready to field the ball!
And the sun sets on #14's fall season.


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