Just Call me Goldilocks
The end of Daylight Savings Time has caused me many a trial and tribulation. About a year ago, I switched the way I was making my morning coffee. I now use a percolator. I LOVE a percolator. My coffee is piping hot, and so flavorful. The only trouble is . . . it doesn't have a timer on it. Percolator's take approximately 10 minutes to perfectly brew the most delicious coffee. It's worth it, for sure, but about a month ago I got a simply brilliant idea to . . . get a timer to plug my coffee pot into!!!! So I bought this snazzy timer, from Amazon: It is lovely. I get my perfect cup of coffee- and it's ready for me when I wake up. I don't have to wait for it. It's waiting for me. That's luxury right there. Then Daylight Savings Time ended. All that has been happy in my world ended. It's been RUINED. Last Sunday night, I reset the t...