Pretty much every parent is saying the exact same thing . . . we're tired. One time many years ago, I was speaking with a woman about my age. Her child was still a toddler. She is not an educator. She didn't realize I was, and therefore her rather . . . controversial opinion was not intended to get a rise out of me. She was merely sharing her opinion that there is no reason for schools to follow the schedule that we do. We're not longer an agriculture society. And frankly- kids should go to school all year round- with no extended vacations. They're not necessary. I was STUNNED by her. First of all- she was an educated human being. She had a doctorate. Owned her own business. But I have literally never met someone so self involved. She had no concept of . . . anything (Her husband proved to be equally as moronic, when I told him I was a special ed teacher in title 1 school. He thought I was a specia...