
Showing posts from May, 2018


Pretty much every parent is saying the exact same thing . . . we're tired.  One time many years ago, I was speaking with a woman about my age.  Her child was still a toddler.  She is not an educator.  She didn't realize I was, and therefore her rather . . . controversial opinion was not intended to get a rise out of me.  She was merely sharing her opinion that there is no reason for schools to follow the schedule that we do.  We're not longer an agriculture society.  And frankly- kids should go to school all year round- with no extended vacations.  They're not necessary.  I was STUNNED by her.  First of all- she was an educated human being.  She had a doctorate.  Owned her own business.  But I have literally never met someone so self involved.  She had no concept of . . . anything (Her husband proved to be equally as moronic, when I told him I was a special ed teacher in title 1 school.  He thought I was a specialized teacher in a private school.)  Then I thought- "

The Table

Doug recently tackled a HUGE project. Literally and figuratively.  A friend commissioned Doug to build him a table, after seeing our table that Doug built.  In case you hadn't read the post- Doug built this table. The top is wood from his grandparents house. The friend had some trees cut from his property, and was wanting to build a table with them, and after seeing the design of Doug's table, asked Doug to build his table.  Doug loves wood working projects, helping friends, and really liked the story behind the wood being used- so he was all in.  This was no small feat.  First of all, the table was going to be 14 feet long . . . really 14 feet long!!!!  Second of all- there was a "small" amount of pressure in that. . . these boards had quite a history and what was delivered- was all there was.  If Doug messed up. . . it's not like he could go to Lowe's and get more.  These boards were literally one of a kind, and he had all he was going to get.  Thi