Life With an Ag. Teacher
The first time I met Doug's parents, they teased me about being a "City Girl." I laughed because . . . I came from the "city" of Spartanburg. It hardly counts. However . . . compared to where they used to live, it was the city. They lived way out in the country. When I first started teaching, 17 years ago, the school I'm at- was a country school. That was 17 years, and a LOT of suburban development later. There was nothing but fields around my high school. Now? Now. Now there are: shopping centers, grocery stores, movie theaters, a bazillion neighborhoods. Traffic can be ridiculous at times. Doug is an agriculture teacher. His content has changed a little bit over the years. He still teaches horticulture, but does a lot more shop stuff now. Students "down there" in Ag World learn how to weld, and do wood working, a little bit of electrical, and maybe some plumbing (they used to- do they still? ...