The Latta's are Knocking it Out of the Park on Parenting Today

I'll share Doug's parenting wobble first.  That's just the kind of wife I am.  ;-)

In case you are not aware- Doug is coaching Alexa's t-ball team this season.  Little anecdote about Alexa's t-ball prowess:  Her t-ball field is directly next to the softball field.  The softball teams have decided they need music to warm up.  The other night they were warming up, while Alexa's team was playing.  I looked over and she was dancing and singing so intently, she didn't notice the ball go right past her.  She didn't notice one of the other out fielders run up near her, get the ball, and throw it in.

She had a game today.  Our association allows 2 coaches to be in the outfield with the players, to help keep them focused and "offer helpful suggestions, about how to handle a play."  Doug was in the outfield next to Alexa.  Around the 3rd inning, when it was our turn to go into the outfield, she says, "Mom- can't you come out there with me?!"  I said, "No.  That's Dad's job!  He's good at it."  She said loud as all get out, "He said he was gonna knock me out if I didn't pay attention!"  hahahahahahahaha The other mom and I in the dug out were ROLLING!!!!!!!!

Here's my parenting wobble.
After Alexa went to bed tonight, I let Andrew get a Little Debbie cake to eat for dessert.  He ate it in his room, while he watched a movie.  As I went in to tuck him in, I noticed the wrapper carelessly thrown on the floor.  I said, "Andrew!  This drives me crazy!  We tell you all the time- if you leave food wrappers in your room, you're going to get bugs in your room!!!!"  He said, "No I won't."

Then the devil showed up on my shoulder. . . .

I responded, "or maybe mice. . . " I knew when I suggested mice, he'd immediately worry about rats. I'm not sure why, but he has recently decided he's scared of rats. (because you know, we have such a large population in our backyard)  As soon as I said, "mice" I knew he'd go a step further. (What can I say, the Devil made me do it.  I take no responsibility for my actions.)  He eyes fly open, (he was pretending to be super sleepy during my lecture), his head lifts off the pillow, and he says, "Will they attract rats?!!!!!"  I said in my innocent, yet unsure tone, "I don't know, maybe?"  Then I kissed him, turned off his light, and started out the door.  He says, "Hey- did you pick up my wrappers?"  I said, "No- they're yours!  I just hope a rat doesn't eat your face off tonight, when it comes in search of your wrappers!"  and then I walked out.  Doug turns to me as I get into the living room, looking totally mystified, and says, "A rat eat his face off?"  So I told him, how I was trying to motivate Andrew to clean up after himself, when Andrew comes out of his room with all of his food wrappers.

Hah!  Score for me!!! I won!!!!!!  I just hope karma doesn't pay me back for being evil.  


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