
Showing posts from March, 2013

My Interpretation

Way back when I was first married, I would ask Doug a question and he would either: not respond or just do the old, "Mmm."  I won't lie, it made me psychotic!  I mean, seriously!  Why can't he just say whether he wanted to do that, or not.  Be clear with me. I don't do subtle (in case you couldn't tell). Well, as we advanced on into the years, I grew more wise and started verbalizing possible interpretations to his shrugs, silences, or grunts.  And based on his reaction to my interpretations, I would guess the meaning. For example, last night I asked if he would be interested in getting a couple's massage when we go to Mexico this summer.  If you know Doug, you know this is so NOT the kind of thing he would EVER want, but the thing is, I want him to know how awesome massage is!  I LOVE getting them!  It's not weird dirty old ladies or men (except for that one time . . .  just kidding) trying to cop a feel.  It's truly relaxing and heavenly.  I

Push Present

I told Doug the other evening.  "I'm going to write the next blog about you."  He said, "I think you're not!" and I said, "Yeah, it's about push presents."  He laughed a bit sheepishly.  The other morning I was on the way to work and listening to morning talk on a radio station.  The dj's were discussing the big trend, "Push Presents."  I don't really buy into that whole push present thing.  I'm not doing anything women for thousands of years haven't done and the fact I got to do with it with an epidural, in a clean hospital . . . well hell.  Those are the real push presents!  They were discussing what was an acceptable push present: diamonds, massage gift cards, flat screen tv . . . whoa, wait up.   I sort of laughed because, while I didn't get a push present, but Doug sure did.  Yes, friends you read that right.  Not only did he get a push present for Andrew, but he got one for Alexa too.  The items certainl

Just a Few Minutes!

The other day I required a few minutes of privacy in the restroom.  However, ladies, you know that you can't immediately take care of your business, until your chil-rens are taken care of.  No matter how pressing the business.  So, we get home on Friday afternoon go through the usual routine: set my stuff down, greet the dog, and get Alexa a snack to eat, while we walk Gracie.  Gracie's been bounding between the driveway and the kitchen for the last 2 minutes.  Out we go.  Thankfully Gracie does not require privacy to take care of her business and can do it all while Alexa watches and comments the entire time.  She used to sing a song about it, "Gracie pee outside.  Gracie pee outside."  Poor dogs.  Sometimes I do really feel bad for them. In order for me to get a minute of privacy, I convinced Andrew to hang out in the backyard with Alexa and Gracie.  Both the girls wanted to be in the front, but I don't like to leave them unattended in the front.  However, to

Stomach Viruses Bring Out the Psycho In Me

Poor Andrew.  He has a stomach virus.  Woke me up at 3am to tell me he thought he might need to throw up.  Now the thing with Andrew is- there is NO warning.  Up until this time, he has always puked everywhere- but the toilet or bucket.  So when he told me he might puke at 3am, I whisper shouted, "GO TO THE TOILET!"  Then there was a lot of panicked breathing, writhing on the floor, and attempts at crying.  Suddenly, he looks at me and says, "Nope.  I'm good." and goes off to bed.  So . . . . I get back in bed.  My mind is racing.  I can't go back to sleep, but finally 45 minutes later I drift off, and back in he comes.  This time, instead of telling me, he turns on all the lights on his way to the toilet in my bathroom.  I get up with him, get him a cup of water, wipe off his face, provide the necessary cheerleading  (rubbing his back, and providing words of encouragement)  and as soon as he's finished, before he has even wiped his face, gotten up from

Determined to Fight the Fight

I hate Disney Princesses.  So naturally because I hate them, Alexa is interested in them.  I can't figure out how she even knows about them.  We went to Wal Mart today, and she located every stinking cup, balloon, book, and other piece of nonsense that is covered with their over marketed crap. We don't watch them- ever.  I have never watched a movie featuring a Disney Princess, since my children have been born.  I don't buy her Disney Princess toys.  When we go to Target and wander the toy aisles, she does not venture onto the princess/doll aisle- by choice.  We spend lots of time in front of the Leap Frog toys, and Andrew's aisles (even when he's not with us).  Why do I hate them?  For a lot of reasons.  They're totally over-commercialized. Everyone loves princesses.  I want her to be unique and happy with her individual self, not trying to fit in.  I find no real redeeming qualities in them.  They seem to push the concept that girls should be pretty, nice, a