Potty Talk

Over Christmas Break, a friend pointed out that if Alexa is able to bring me her diaper changing supplies, and say, "I need my diaper changed."  she might be ready to be potty trained.  I won't lie, I was surprised.  She's younger than Andrew was.  I thought about it, but didn't do anything about it.  Then one night she and I went to Target, where I bought myself some new underwear (you know I live excitement if I buy my drawers at Target.  Poor Doug, he has a boring wife).  Well, she had to have some underwear herself.  She picked out Minnie Mouse pink underwear.  I called my mother on the way home.  I was sad.  I just bought my baby big girl underwear.  As soon as we got home, we had to put that underwear on.  Yes.  I put unwashed, but packaged, underwear on her.  She wore it 10 minutes and peed everywhere.  However, it was a starting point.  It took her about a week and a half and then suddenly, just like that she got it. 

However, I have laughed as I thought about the weirdo things I have been discussing lately.  Everytime she sits on the potty, we discuss that Mommy, Daddy, and Andrew peepee inside.  Gracie pee-pees outside.  We've discussed that Mommy, Daddy, and Andrew wear big girl/boy underwear to school.  We do a lot of cheering in the bathroom.  A lot.  "I PEED ON DA POTTY!!!!" 

Yesterday was sort of the culmination of potty talk for me.  So, I am at school.  I teach a different level of student, and I have one that has a lot of bowel movement issues.  Yesterday morning he had an accident, so I took him in the bathroom, where he changed, and dropped his soiled underwear into the plastic bag I was holding.  Later in the day, we were in the gym playing kickball.  One of my students, who normally is quite competitive was sitting out.  I asked him what was up.  He said, "I'm afraid I'll poo myself.  My stomach hurts."  I had to walk away.  I laughed.  Yes. I laughed.  I had to.  Folks, I deal with a lot of poop lately.  Literally.  Between students poop issues, cleaning up the dog's poop on our daily walks, and talking Alexa through pooping on the big girl potty, well . . . I'm about pooped!  (hahahahaha- that's hillarious!!!!!!)

I think that's enough potty talk for one day.  ;-)


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