Water, Water, Everywhere
I realized that I don't drink anywhere near enough water. Like- at all. I feel accomplished if I drink 20 oz of water. If I don't drink water, what do I drink? Not much. I allow myself 1 Diet Coke a day and one cup of coffee a day. I don't drink tea, juice, or alcohol. Occasionally, if I have been really working in the yard, like a crazy woman, I will drink a Gatorade- that's like 1 time a week. I'm just not a thirsty person. Drinking any kind of liquid is not inherent to me. I have to remind myself, and make myself. However, I have been struggling with gaining weight. I'm frustrated with this, because I don't feel like I eat all that much. I don't snack. I don't eat fast food. I am not saying I eat great, but I don't eat enough to gain weight like I have been. Plus- it's summer, so I exercise everyday and work in the yard. What's going on?! I decided I would drink 100 oz of water. A few ...