
Showing posts from September, 2016


My first blog after weeks of silence is all about how hard my life is.  I mean- for real y'all.  I got troubles (please read this with the satire, I intend it to be!). But first- girls are so different than boys.  Or maybe, my girl is different from my boy. That's probably a more accurate statement.  See here's what happened: Alexa and I had a squabble this morning.  The black skirt she wore on Monday, wasn't clean yet (I know- what the heck?!!!  A whole day and some later, and I didn't have it washed?!  What's wrong with me?????)  Well . . . she's had a fashion crisis every morning for the last week.  I decided it was Doug's turn to deal with it- because if I had to take a guess, he doesn't even know it's been going on. (how can he not know?  Well, at the new house we have a split bedroom plan- so while he's getting ready in the morning, Alexa is clear on the other side of the house pouting/whining/ carrying on about not having clothes to

Is This For Real?

I got walloped last night by a realization: Alexa is growing up.  You're like, "Duh!  We see that in the pictures. Where have you been, Kate?!"  I don't know.  How did this happen so suddenly?! Earlier this week, I think Tuesday, I was putting Alexa to bed and as she was getting in, I said, "Where's Lovey?"  She said, "I'm not going to sleep with her, because I suck my fingers when I have her, and I'm afraid my teeth will fall out."  (Her top 2 teeth are starting to get super wiggly.  It's traumatic for her though.  Loose teeth creates a lot of drama- which makes this all the more sad).  I didn't say anything out loud, but in my head, I was like, "Yeah, right you're going to sleep without Lovey?!  Sure.  Mm-mmm."  When I went back downstairs, I got Lovey and brought it up to her, because historically she can't sleep without Lovey.  She was exhausted and she needed her sleep.  She needed Lovey- according to me

Organization Is Out the Window

The first week always knocks me for a loop.  It's EXHAUSTING!!!!  Why?!  I think it's several things: 1. standing all day. 2. Interacting all day. 3. Adjusting to new routines. Here are a few things from this week. 1.  I hate hate hate teaching my kids to be organized.  It requires CONSTANT reiteration.  They don't just get my brilliant plan the first day.  Their little light bulbs do not flame up with understanding, acceptance, and reverence for my brilliance.  They balk.  They gripe.  They don't want to empty their lunch boxes and put them on the counter for the next morning.  They don't want to empty out any things they don't need for the following day.  They don't want to leave their bags in a spot near the front door.  They want to leave the lunch boxes in their bags.  They want to leave the old stuff in their book bags to clutter up for another day.  They want to leave their back backs all over the kitchen table or the couch- so we can't eat