
Showing posts from April, 2016

Michael Myers Lives in My Neighborhood

Last week, when I took the dog for her last walk of the night, we encountered the crazy cat.  That cat has totally ruined my life.  I have since changed my walking routine.  The new routine has brought about an awareness of a sinister presence on my street!  Obviously- the cat is a black cat.  True story. So, there Gracie (that's the dog) and I go, out and about tonight.  Tripping along, she's enjoying the pleasant scents, and I've got my eyes pealed for that stupid cat, in case it's trying to sneak up on me. When I get a few houses past my house, I let my guard down.  I checked out this one particular house that I enjoy looking at because the landscaping is so lovely. I realized, that again all of the lights were completely out.  The entire house was pitch black.  Come to think of it, the house is always pitch black when I take the dog out around 9- 9:30pm.  I mean- there's not even a glow from a cable box or clock.  It's super dark.  How can it be that dar

Mean Mother Moment

Way back when I was a small child .  . . possibly around the age of 8 or 9, my mother had a "Mean Mother Moment."  I was sent to bed without dinner!  Can you believe that?!  When I was 8 or 9, I thought she was the meanest mother ever!!! As an adult, and a parent myself, I totally had it coming to me. I was being a TOTAL brat!  In defense of my 8 or 9 year old self, she made stir fry.  I HATED stir fry.  I could not stand those snow peas.  They totally grossed me out!  As an adult- stir fry is delicious and I LOVE snow peas now.  So . . . there you have it 8 or 9 year old self, you were wrong, Mom was right.  As I was tonight, when I had my Mean Mother Moment, but . . . being right doesn't feel nice. Alexa experienced the brunt of my Mean Mother Moment tonight.  She didn't get dinner.  Now, in my defense, I didn't try to feed her some crazy meal of stir fry.  I fixed her: chicken tenders (these were homemade ones), green beans (they were the kind she likes: No S