I Have a New Hobby
This one is sort of for my parents, but feel free to read, because it'll entertain you as well. This all started way back in high school. See, I wasn't the most motivated student. I wasn't flunking out or anything like that, but I hung out in the "B/C" area. Looking back (and realizing how smart I am now) I probably could have done way better- if I would have been just put forth some effort. Pretty much the story of . . . lots of high schoolers. So anyway, one day I arrive at the dinner table and I make a big announcement. It's a very dramatic moment because that's what I did back then (not now. Now I am never dramatic. Hardly ever.). I announce with excitement. . . "I have a new hobby!" I pause dramatically, and my parents and siblings sit with baited breath waiting (or rolling their eyes- whichever). "My new hobby is studying!!!!!" I was for real- at that moment. It was my new hobby. There was a pause, and my parents laugh...