
Showing posts from February, 2014


I'll clear it up for you- even though we do weird things in our house, we are not, nor have we ever been addicted to drugs or alcohol, therefore this "detox" post will not be about one or all of us going to a detox program.  However, I am going to do a detox from another addicting, yet much more socially acceptable product: sugar. This is not like my usual posts. Usually I am writing some amusing (or, so I intend) anecdote about someone in my family.  I feel a bit narcissistic posting this post.  It's all about me (well, really the entire blog is, but the purpose is usually to entertain someone).  Today's post is me making a confession and putting out in public a goal I have, in order to hopefully keep myself honest. Here's how it all started (you know I have to give background stories).  January and February have been rough months for me.  A) I hate it.  It's cold.  There's nothing to look forward to.  I hate being cold. Therefore I do not want to g